The Chadd Padds® are available in two sizes - the 10X10 & the 15X20. Which size is right for me? The biggest factor is the flow rate or speed at which the pump you normally use operates at. For most boaters and 89 octane users; the 10x10 is the best fit given that most gas pumps operate at around 6 gallons per minute; however, marinas with high-volume gas pumps or diesel users (which normally pump a little faster) will find the 15x20 to be the better fit.
In other words, the greater the chance or potential size of a spill, the bigger the Padd you should use so there is adequate absorption in place ahead of time – keeping in mind that 2, 10x10's can be used at the same time which is almost equal to 1, 15x20. In the end, the selection is really personal preference.
Rest assured, the partially perforated punch-outs or “hanging chadds” do not completely separate from the Padd even after being fully executed (hence the name)! This patent-pending design provides several important safety features:
1. When the perforated section is "revealed" & folded under, a clear opening is provided so the user can both see AND hear what is going on with the fueling or oiling up process. This is paramount in preventing a spill - if you can see & hear whats going on with your fuel port, you know when to let up before a spill begins to occur.
2. Because the "chadds" stay attached to the Padd - they do not create litter for the environment; no little circular “doughnut holes” to blow around the docks or water-ways.
3. When the "chadd" is folded under during use, it also provides for double the padding and absorption right at the base of the filler port where it is needed the most!
4. Again, because the “hanging chadd” stays attached to the Padd, you haven’t lost any absorption capabilities that you once had before the punch-out was revealed. This feature compounds the functionality of the Chadd Padd® since you can also uses it as a standard drip mat or similar where having a hole in the Padd wouldn't make much sense for that type of application. |